Thursday, December 08, 2005

Our Position on Personal Training

How Hyperfit USA does personal training:

Training is a SUPPLEMENT to our classes. Personal training fills the schedule gaps for people who need to develop the skills necessary to operate in our classes and need schedule help. Training develops the movement patterns and motor skills to easily execute our classes.

Hyperfit USA's goal is to provide the most affordable highest quality training available anywhere. We slackline, BOSU and teach movements that will help people do the classes we offer. If someone is able to be in a class they should be if for no other reason, cost.

Lauren is polishing her pull up form in a personal training session.

Kathy is holding a dumb bell overhead while she lunges to increase here sense of balance.

The training we do reinforces and polishes the performance of our people. Our people usually do personal training once per week and classes 3-4 times per week. It allows the our clients to make their dollar go A LOT farther.

Caveat: Some people need the one on one skill development and are not ready for classes. That is okay too. Those people's goal should be to graduate to the classes some time in the future. There are some people who do only want the one on one attention: That is okay too. It is the premium of the service offered.

Some food for thought.

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