Friday, August 11, 2006


We have been experiencing some problems with the blog. It is no longer allowing us to post pictures. We are near the allowed post capacity.

If has been a long time coming, but I am starting new blog.

Here is the link:

A lot of the other CrossFit affiliates use typepad. It has a lot more features and options.

No comments about the cheesey pub photo. If someone sends me a good cartoon clown, I will post it instead of my ugly mug.

Please bookmark the changeover.

060810 1700 BASIC TRAINING

Participants: 8

060810 1200 BOOT CAMP

Participants: 9

060810 0600 BASIC TRAINING

Participants: 10

Thanks for bailing me out Linda.

060810 0600 CROSSFIT

Participants: 3

Monday, August 07, 2006

060807 1930 BOOT CAMP

Participants: 4

060807 1830 CROSSFIT

Participants: 6

060807 1730 BOOT CAMP

Participants: 9



All classes in Ann Arbor are now held at the new Hyperfit USA Training Center

Take a look at the class schedule to verify class times.

Classes held at Van Buren Township and the 34th District Court are still at those locations.

060807 0930 BOOT CAMP

Participants: 8

060807 0600 BOOT CAMP

Participants: 22